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Youtube Post: How to Move Past a Mental Block

This week, we (Reddit and I) figure out how to move past a mental block. I believe mental blocks come from our fears - fear of failure, embarrassment, or change. Wherever the block comes from, the only way to overcome it is to do internal and external work. So here are my tips for moving past a mental block.

  1. Adult yourself - Be the adult to that part of you that needs that structure to do the things you already know are good for you.

  2. Don't overwhelm yourself with tackling a more significant life change or project; start small and simple with something attainable.

  3. Ask for help. Seek out someone who can advise you on what you are working on or who is accomplished and, by osmosis, suck up their knowledge and probably motivation on the subject.

Watch the video here to see what else Reddit has to say!

Thanks for reading!

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