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I Started A YouTube Channel!

Hey, world!

I finally started a YouTube channel... again.

What's it about?

At the beginning of the pandemic, I tried my hand at a YouTube channel, but it just didn't feel... right. So, this time, when starting my channel, I ensured it would be something I could sustain. I gave myself these guidelines: I had to be interested and opinionated in the topic I posted about, and it had to be simple enough to sustain.

Following those guidelines has gotten me up and running with consistent posting to my channel in a format that I enjoy, and I hope others will, too! While my brain is running wild with possibilities of what 'could' be and how I 'should' be doing things, I'm deciding to be content with the current content.

I hope to make it a full-time vlogging gig once my skills have evolved and I have more free time. But for now, I want to share my latest channel post!

This week, join me as I scroll through the subreddit Life Pro Tips and try to uncover tips to "Get Motivated to Work."

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